Sunday, April 25, 2010

Coloring books for adults

I found this site, and I think it's pretty neat. It's a resource list of colouring books for adults.

Some help you learn anatomy:

But my absolute favourite is by Yasuko Aoike. It's related to her manga From Eroica With Love, but it's Led Zeppelin inspired. As I write this post, I'm actually listening to the Immigrant Song, so I'm ecstatic.

Robert Plant is still a golden god even in the most ridiculous circumstance-- there are clothes on the next page and you color them in and then dress Robby up for a big day being an extremely gay, art thief version of Dorian Gray (heart throb).

There is also colouring book trend for adults that's becoming increasingly popular, and it's creating colouring books which have some kind of meditative quality. The book below encourages peaceful thoughts and inner peace when you colour in the mandala.

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